Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Kind of NDT techniques are used to ensure the safety of the air plane

NDT methods allow inspectors to inspect areas of the plane that would otherwise be uninspectable without disassembling structure to gain access to the internal areas. NDT methods also allow inspectors to detect damage that is too small to be detected by visual means. Eddy current and ultrasonic inspection methods are used extensively to locate tiny cracks that would otherwise be undetectable. These techniques are also used to measure the thickness of the aircraft skin from the outside and detect metal thining from corrosion on the inside surface of the skin. X-ray techniques are used to find defects buried deep within the structure and to locate areas were water has penetrated into certain structure. Obviously, this task requires trained professionals who are capable of performing a variety of different NDT Techniques to get a complete and accurate status of the airplane.

There is no question that the success of the air plane industry is dependent on NDT. Without NDT, the cost of maintaining and flying in airplanes would incresae dramatically, while the safety of flying would decrese.

When people step into an airplane they trust that it will get them to their destination with as little turbulenceas possible. NDT Plays a vital role in keeping air travel one of the safest modes of transportation.

Posted by; Adnan

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